New Online Peer Review System for TAPPI JOURNAL

TAPPI has recently implemented a new web-based system to expedite and improve the peer review process for authors, editors, and reviewers. The online system helps automate the submission, tracking, and peer review process, and it has been customized to reflect TAPPI JOURNAL’s workflow.
Using the system, authors submit original and revised manuscripts, editorial board members (EBMs) send manuscripts out for peer review, reviewers conduct reviews and return comments, and EBMs make final decisions on publication. 
Users are assigned editorial, author, or reviewer roles ― or multiple roles if appropriate. Here are some of the system’s benefits for users:
An author will need to register the first time he or she uses the new system. Reviewers will need to register the first time after receiving an EBM invitation from the new system. However, the new system is pre-populated with the names of many past TJ reviewers.