Södra Grants SEK 1.7 Million to New Research Projects

In recent years, the Södra Foundation for Research, Development, and Education, Sweden, has distributed SEK 10-12 million per year to new research and development projects. Pulp grade, conservation values and seed cultivation are now the focus as a further SEK 1.7 million is distributed. To date in 2016, research projects for SEK 4.2 million have been approved.
The mission of the Södra Foundation for Research, Development, and Education is to promote research and education of significance to forestry, and forest industry operations, in Southern Sweden. At the most recent Board meeting, support was approved for three new projects. The projects being granted funding comprise relevant and important research and development areas for both forestry and the pulp industry, as well as support for the arrangement of an international conference on seed cultivation.
Projects granted funding:
In recent years, the Foundation has distributed SEK 10-12 million per year to various projects.
