Paper Formation Explained - Roll Up Your Sleeves for WIST Workshop

Optimizing Sheet Structure for Maximal Product Performance
October 27-28
Stevens Point, Wis., USA

Respected instructor, Dr. Gerry Ring, leads this two-day introductory course that features classroom instruction followed by guided hands-on exercises where you operate the UW-Stevens Point Fourdrinier pilot paper machine.
You will learn:
"This course does a good job explaining paper formation and how it affects numerous other paper qualities, as well as how it can be manipulated and improved to be successful."
— Andy Pope, New Page
Class size is limited to 16. Register soon to reserve your seat. 
TAPPI and the Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology (WIST) are also presenting another laboratory-based workshop for papermakers soon - the Introduction to Paper Making Additives, November 3-4.