Corrugated Paper Fights Plastic for Fresh Produce Share

According to a recent report by Food Manufacture (Montpellier, France), some large U.K. retailers are failing to demonstrate the environmental benefits commonly attributed to plastic returnable transit packaging (RTP) when used for fresh produce, instead preferring it for reasons of supply-chain efficiency, the Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) has suggested.
"Certain retailers are using RTP to move through the supply chain quickly and gain a commercial advantage that way," said Director of Packaging Affairs Andrew Barnetson. "That's fine. Do it for commercial advantage, but don't claim an environmental advantage unless you can demonstrate it."

However, Barnetson pointed out that some retailers with a different sales strategy appeared to favor corrugated cases and trays for produce. The booming home-delivery produce segment, for example, had also adopted paperboard/corrugated as its material of choice.

More information is available in the full article available online.