2016 SuperCorrExpo® kicks off next month in Orlando
2016 TAPPI/AICC SuperCorrExpo® is just around the corner and it is one you don’t want to miss! Happening only every four years, this year’s SuperCorrExpo will be October 17-20 at the Orlando Convention Center in Orlando, Fla., USA.
In addition to everything planned on the
convention floor, SuperCorrExpo also offers several once-in-a-lifetime activities for all attendees, including spouses and guests:
- Start your week off at the Corrugated Classic Golf Tournament on Sunday, October 16. The shotgun style tournament will be held at the Grand Cypress Golf Club. Space is limited, so register today! Cash prizes will be awarded for the longest drive, closest to the pin, and winning foursome.
- Snap a selfie with some of today’s hottest celebrities on Tuesday evening, October 18. Tom Hanks. Shaquille O’Neill. Oprah...and more. Network with colleagues and friends at this year’s SuperCorrExpo Gala Event at Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum. Full conference registration fee includes the gala event and additional tickets can be purchased in advance.
- AICC Emerging Leaders and TAPPI Young Professionals groups will have two special joint events on Monday, October 17, and Wednesday, October 19, during SuperCorrExpo, which will include a group tour and networking reception event.
- Spouses and guests have some amazing events to consider, including Kennedy Space Center visit and lunch with an astronaut and a Scenic Boat Tour cruise through three of Winter Park’s lakes.
- TAPPI’s corrugated Packaging Division is sponsoring the distinguished CorrPak competition, which recognizes the finest commercially produced corrugated package products manufactured.
- There are numerous courses and workshops designed to give you the latest and greatest to keep you on top of innovative changes within the industry.
- For all of our international attendees, be sure to save time at the end of the week for the 2016 SuperCorr Expo Plant Tours kick off on Friday, October 21. The tour will feature Dusobox and the Central Florida Box Corp. Tours are on a first-come, first-serve basis with registration available at the event.
You don't want to miss this year's SuperCorrExpo—the most powerful global hub of corrugated networking in the Western Hemisphere, which only happens every four years. Space is filling up fast, so
register today.