Our team of hand-picked industry leading instructors will help employees at all levels improve job performance dramatically—which has a lot of benefits for everyone—by covering topics such as:
Analyze and trouble-shoot steam components
Be able to analyze schedule to maximize production
Learn why new fluting styles and the need for a corrugator roll program
Develop a basic understanding of applicator roll inspection to maximize starch application and wear
Know why roll and sheet handling can impact production
Understand advantages of pre- and post-print operations
Learn about historical reporting system to analyze trends and trouble-shooting
Discover origins of waste in a corrugated plant and discuss reduction techniques
Identify proper operation and settings
Learn how to manage heat and moisture for all board grades
Be able to identify the causes of warp and what adjustments will be needed
Know the importance of training/cross-training crews and motivating the team
Have a thorough understanding of the necessary operator quality checks.
Click here to review the course schedule and topics—including a special session devoted to helping you find solutions to your corrugator complications! AND 2 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be awarded for completion of the curriculum.