U.S. Forest Industry Workers Meet with Members of Congress

American workers employed in the U.S. forest products industry visited Washington, D.C., this week to meet with members of Congress and administration officials. Their goal was to educate officials on the impacts of legislative and regulatory decisions on the environment as well as the families and communities that depend on forest products manufacturing for their livelihood.

The Pulp & Paperworkers' Resource Council (PPRC) is a grassroots organization of hourly employees in the forest products industry who educate on issues that affect American manufacturing jobs in their industry. During their three days of meetings, 73 PPRC members made 544 legislative and administration visits, including the office of the vice president.

"Communities around the country need the types of good-paying jobs that forest products manufacturing provides, whether it's making paper, building products, bath tissue or boxes--products Americans use every day," said David Wise, PPRC chairman. "The PPRC believes that our elected and government officials need to protect the environment while at the same time support the global competitiveness of the U.S. forest products industry. Overly burdensome regulations and legislation ultimately hurt the U.S. workers we represent, our families, friends, and neighbors that live in our communities."

PPRC members from across the U.S. discussed several issues, including:
In addition, PPRC members thanked senators and members of Congress who have joined the Paper and Packaging Caucus, while requesting others join the Caucus.  

The U.S. forest products industry employs about 900,000 people—many in small, rural communities. It ranks among the top 10 manufacturers in 45 states and represents 4% of U.S. manufacturing GDP. The PPRC is dedicated to conserving the environment while taking into account the economic stability of American manufacturing workers and their mills' surrounding communities.
