Achieve Excellence in Planning and Scheduling
May 8-9, 2017 – Tacoma, Wash., USA
Applying the techniques learned from this seminar can produce these results:
- Improve uptime on critical lines (dependent on industry and current reliability)
- Reduce maintenance cost over time (10%-40% is common)
- Improved safety through well thought through (planned) jobs
- Improve maintenance planner's effectiveness (50% to 300% is not uncommon)
- Refocus supervisors, planners, and crafts people towards quality jobs from a "fire-fighting" role
- Reduce rework
- Create time for root cause problem elimination
- Reduce workforce stress, resulting in reduced "sick time."
Who Should Attend:
- Maintenance Supervisors
- Maintenance Planners
- Operations coordinator (role that coordinates production and maintenance schedules)
- Craftspeople
- Store room management.
IDCON courses are priced at $989 per student per course. This price includes all materials, lunches and breaks.