Europe Sets 74% Paper Recycling Target for 2020

The European paper recycling rate reached a near theoretical maximum of 71.5% in 2015. The industry now plans to further raise its target with a goal of 74% by 2020, building on the progress achieved since 2000 by preceding European Declarations on Paper Recycling.

"Having already achieved an effective recycling rate of 71.5%, the European paper recycling value chain is willing to go a step further with a new 74% target. This elevated rate will play an integral role in boosting the circularity of Europe’s economy" said Ulrich Leberle, secretary to the EPRC/Raw Materials director at CEPI, Brussels, Belgium.

Additional steps will be taken to enhance the quality of paper recycling with greater emphasis on recyclability in design and manufacturing of paper products, and improving techniques for removing ink from paper products. To achieve this rate, a number of key conditions must be in place:
With these conditions in place, the entire value chain can achieve the revised target and move it a step further, making recycling work for an effective European circular economy.