Build Your Reliability and Maintenance Skills

Develop and Manage Preventive Maintenance
Sept. 11-12, 2017
Raleigh, N.C., USA

IDCON’s training will give you the ability to understand how to develop and improve a Preventive Maintenance and Essential Care & Condition Monitoring (PM/ECCM) system cost effectively.

The understanding is based on a simple, yet effective, step-by-step process, including concepts like criticality, failure modes, preventive failures, finding failures early, and writing effective instructions for maintenance and operations.

Essential Care and Inspection Techniques
Sept. 13-14, 2017
Raleigh, N.C., USA

IDCON keeps a steady schedule of maintenance and reliability training available throughout the year. Check out this additional course this fall where you attend two training events back to back for the price of traveling to one!

IDCON courses are priced at $989 per student per course. This price includes all materials, lunches, and breaks.