APPTI Holds All-Members’ Meeting in Washington, D.C.

The Alliance for Pulp and Paper Technology Innovation (APPTI)—formerly, Agenda 2020—heard from three Federal agencies and several other entities April 11 about news and trends in areas affecting the technology outlook for the U.S.

It was the first meeting of 2018, and took place in Washington, D.C., at the headquarters of the American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA). 

"We value this forum as a way to bring external perspectives to our work, as well as to showcase our technology development efforts to public entities with whom we can collaborate," commented APPTI board chair Fritz Paulsen, R&D manager for Kapstone Paper Co. "Working together, we can make a real difference in our industry’s sustainability."

Mike McKittrick, R&D Consortia Lead of the Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office, led off with a discussion of the department’s efforts to stimulate leadership in sustainable and efficient manufacturing for a growing and competitive economy.  He acknowledged APPTI’s participation in the RAPID process intensification effort led by the American Institute of Chemical Engineering, and noted that manufacturing readiness is not the same as technology readiness—a reason why collaboration in early-stage applied research and development is important.

Carlos Rodriguez-Franco, deputy R&D director for the U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, and Alan Rudie, director of the Forest Products Laboratory, provided background on the Service’s research priorities, research budget trends, and the allocation of resources.  Identifying the most promising research opportunities, they noted the need for much more effective coordination and deployment of research dollars to maintain U.S.’ competitive position in the global industry.  

Michael Goergen, who leads the P3Nano public-private partnership under the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, echoed this theme, citing the Endowment’s recent report on the subject; the report is available online. . 

Several leaders from the American Forest and Paper Association provided updates on policy and regulatory matters affecting the industry as well as economic trends. They cited important collaboration between AF&PA and APPTI on determining the next round of industry sustainable goals.

Following these speakers, each of APPTI’s action teams gave updates on their progress in technology development and revenue from new biobased products. APPTI is currently managing a research portfolio in excess of $2 million.

For further information, visit the APPTI web site or contact Executive Director David Turpin.