TAPPI 2019 Updates from CEO Larry Montague

HAPPY NEW YEAR! (At least it is for TAPPI).

September 1, 2019 was the start of the new fiscal year, FY2020. It has been almost 13 years since the new team began our journey together.

I am very proud to report we have just celebrated our 12th year in a row in the black. This is no small feat to say the least. The 11 years prior, TAPPI experienced operating losses of nearly $20,000,000.

Our Staff was able to step up and do some great things even with the challenge of retaining team members in a highly competitive job market. Some of you may be experiencing similar issues, so we’d like to be transparent and share a few stats on TAPPI and the job market.

Employees and Turnover:

42 Total employees

We are always listening. We held an Open Forum for our staff on July 18, 2019, to address several topics that led to some of the following changes:

Several members of TEAM TAPPI stepped up to the plate and we are happy to report that we had 10 Promotions and added more people to our (SST) Senior Strategy Team:

We have a lot of people to thank for participating in this 12-year streak of financial stability.

First you, our dedicated members, who volunteer to plan our conferences, events, exhibits, training, Press Products, Standards, TIPS and TAPPI Journal just to name a few.

I tip my cap, to our members, Board of Directors and finally our dedicated and hardworking team at TAPPI. In FY2019 you have helped expand our Press Products, Conferences, Exhibits, YP Division, (WIN) Women in Industry. By the way, this year’s International Nanotechnology Conference held in Japan, had the largest number of attendees ever.

Some more notable areas in FY2019:

Number of new PRESS items:

Number of Conferences and Exhibits:

Number of TAPPISAFE Locations as of 8-31-19:

Number of AMS (Association Management Services) Conferences/Meetings:

Number of TAPPI Training Courses in FY2019:

I will leave you with this. If you ever have questions or concerns about anything that has to do with TAPPI, please take the time to reach out to me and I will do my best to help you. When in doubt, give me a shout.

Remember, there are two types of people in the industries that we serve, TAPPI members and those who should be.

Best regards,

Larry N. Montague
TAPPI President and CEO

