TAPPI Journal Goes Open Access

One of TAPPI’s main objectives is the dissemination of the latest and most relevant scientific and engineering knowledge to advance the forest products and related industries. To meet that objective, TAPPI Journal (TJ) has adopted a hybrid Open Access (OA) publishing model. The TJ stringent peer-review process and distinguished editorial board of academic and industry experts set TAPPI Journal apart as a reliable source for impactful basic and applied research and technical reviews.

The new TJ Hybrid-OA model continues to provide TAPPI members’ exclusive first access to the latest year’s research online for free, while non-members pay a fee for current articles as before. The new advantage of the OA model is that at the one-year anniversary of an article’s publication, nonmembers gain access to the research at no charge. Nonmembers also now have free access to the TJ digital archive, which goes back to 1992. This embargoed approach has been successfully used by other journals, and it preserves first access for TAPPI members while providing easy access to the general public after a year.

Many research studies have indicated OA articles receive a significant advantage in terms of the number of citations they receive. More citations serve to improve the visibility of the science, as well as the reputation of a journal. The OA format will also be able to better help researchers meet their funding and grant application requirements. As in the past, the copyright remains with the author, and unlike other technical journals, TJ does not require a publication fee.

Prospective authors from academic and research institutions, as well as speakers who present scientific papers at TAPPI conferences, are encouraged to submit their research for peer review and consideration for publication in TJ. As an added incentive, your paper could be awarded the $2,000 Honghi Tran TAPPI Journal Best Paper Prize presented at PaperCon. Submit your abstract today at tappi.org/tjsubmit.
