TAPPI’s Printing Technology 101 Series Begins Next Week!

TAPPI is set to launch Printing Technology 101: A Virtual Series that taps into the expertise of respected printing industry leadership to deliver an exceptional overview of traditional offset and emerging digital technologies, equipment review, color perspective, troubleshooting and more.


Get your pass to experience new virtual presentations through Oct. 22 on new and traditional printing technology!

Review the Course Schedule planned.

Training on these topics is hard to find and may be the only opportunity you get to receive it! 

You will Learn:

 You Should Attend!

The curriculum is taught by the experts from TAPPI’s Coating and Graphic Arts Division.

New and emerging digital technologies in UV and LED printing are featured.

The All-Events Pass gets you signed in to view all six presentations for the best price.  Many other discounts for groups, students, young professionals and TAPPI members are offered.
