Paper360° Better Together Podcast Features Chris Czyryca

For many, the word “standard” means average—something expected or assumed. Yet in manufacturing, industry-wide standards are the guidelines that make it possible to do business at all. Industrial standards have a serious impact on business and trade.

As an ANSI-Certified Standards development organization, TAPPI’s peer-reviewed Standards ensure that products meet industry-recognized best practices. Standards not only demonstrate how to maximize performance, they provide new ideas and operational methods to improve production. The development of standards is one of the principles upon which TAPPI was founded more than 100 years ago.

In the January episode of the Paper360° podcast, Better Together: Conversations with Innovative Leaders, Editorial Director Jan Bottiglieri speaks with Chris Czyryca, President of Collaborative Testing Services Inc., and Chair of TAPPI’s Quality and Standards Management Committee.

Chris admits that his initial foray into the TAPPI Standards process was not exactly by choice. “How I got involved, quite frankly, was that my boss told me that I was going to get involved!” he says. “And I would encourage other bosses to do the same. I do that now with my people… it is the best way to learn about Standards.”

Listeners will learn how easy it is to join a Standard-Specific Interest Group (SSIG)—and how rewarding that peer-to-peer networking can be. “You’re working on something for the industry as a whole; and that knowledge, that experience, that résumé-building… it all carries over.”

Standards creation is a process that’s truly BETTER TOGETHER. To learn more about how easy it is to get involved, tune into the podcast now available and visit the Standards page on the website.

For more information about the podcast, or to inquire about being a guest on the show, please contact Jan at To sign up to receive the podcasts once they are posted, visit, or any of the popular podcast hosts, including Apple, Spotify, Google and Amazon Alexa and enter Better Together: Conversations with Innovative Leaders.
