PSSMA Names Frederick Moeller, Bancroft Bag, as New Chairman

The Paper Shipping Sack Manufacturers' Association (PSSMA) held its 2021 spring Board of Director's Meeting June 9, 2021 by online connection, due to the slowly progressing reopening after the COVID-19 pandemic. Members expressed anticipation for meeting in person at the upcoming the 2021 Annual Meeting in Palm Desert, California this November 9-12.

Signaling a change of leadership, outgoing PSSMA Chairman Carlos A. Garcia (Endpak Packaging) handed the ceremonial gavel over to Frederick Moeller (Bancroft Bag, Inc.), indicating his support for Mr. Moeller in the new role and providing strong words of encouragement.

Mr. Moeller, elected as Chairman last October 29, 2020 thanked Mr. Garcia and commented that he was steadfast in the Chairman position during his two years of service; noting his guidance of the organization through one of its most challenging times in history, while contributing to a growth in membership through increased advocacy and teamwork.

The PSSMA board also elected Robert Dale Stevens (Hood Packaging Corporation) as Vice Chairman during Mr. Moeller's term.