Specialty Papers US: November 2-3, 2021

Register to attend Specialty Papers US in November in person or online

The entire paper industry is coming together again at Specialty Papers US 2021 taking place this November 2-3, 2021, in Milwaukee, WI, and online.

The 2021 program is focusing on Specialty Papers in the Modern Era: Uncovering Emerging Opportunities and New Applications. The program includes panels that will encourage group discussion and problem solving.

Panel Brand Commitment to a More Sustainable Future, featuring Nestle and BYBI Beauty, will discuss the movement away from plastics, sustainability goals and plans for reaching those goals, consumer insights, and more.

Opportunities and Growth as the Industry Moves Forward will explore the views and thoughts of participants for opportunities (and threats) for the sector in a post pandemic, more sustainably aware, climate changing world. Featuring Arjowiggins and Pacoon Sustainability Concepts GmbH.

Let’s Talk About PFAS – A US and Global Conversation will feature Department of Toxic Substances Control, Safer Made, and Avebe U.A. This panel will explore PFAS, the drivers behind the human health concerns, the regulatory landscape, and the emerging innovations to develop, commercialize, and scale PFAS alternatives.

 Compostable Packaging Solutions: Designing with the System in Mind will explore the opportunities the packaging supply chain has to design with the organics diversion system in mind, so that foodservice operators, consumers, end-users, and composters have the best chance at using compostable packaging to do what it does best - keep wasted food out of landfills. Featuring Eco-Products, BPI, and Compost Manufacturing Alliance.

Additional program Presenters include experts from Stora Enso, Domtar, Ingredion, Printpack, FiberLean Technologies, Minifibers, Ahlstrom Munksjö, and more.

For 14 years Smithers’ Specialty Papers US has provided a unique opportunity for paper experts to gather and drive conversation around market influencers, hear ideas and insights from different parts of the supply chain, and become knowledgeable about innovations and market insights that will improve their businesses. 

Safety is a key priority for Smithers. Smithers is working with the venue to guarantee social distancing, safe food handling, and clean meeting spaces. For those unable to attend in person, take advantage of the virtual attendance option. This includes innovative networking opportunities, live-streamed content, and the ability to view presentations and access the platform for 90 days.

More agenda featured to be announced in the coming weeks. Join the mailing list to stay up-to-date on the latest additions.

Using our advanced facilities and technical expertise, Smithers is able to explore all areas of paper testing and evaluation, from understanding the physical properties of your paper, to ensuring that your paper meets specific quality standards and proficiency tests. Global market reports provide an independent and expert view of emerging markets, technologies and disruptive factors. Smithers also offers consultancy services and strategic business planning, and renowned paper industry events.
