What Drives Success - Performance or Trust?

The TAPPI Women in Industry (WIN) Division is proud to announce the 5th Annual Women’s Summit, April 30, 2022 from 1:00pm – 5:00pm (ET) at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, NC. The Summit was developed to provide a forum for women and men in the pulp, paper, packaging, tissue and converting industries to discuss topics prevalent and integral to women in today's workforce. Open to everyone – TAPPI members and non-members alike, the Summit will be held in conjunction with TAPPICon 2022.

With the theme, "Shifting Gears on Performance and Trust – What is the ultimate driver of success?" the Summit focuses on building stronger teams in the workplace. Attendees will enjoy a thought-provoking presentation before breaking into small, interactive breakout rooms to discuss their viewpoints on “Performance versus Trust” with other attendees. The Summit is sponsored by Valmet.

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Women in Industry at TAPPICon 2022
Attendees will have the opportunity to strengthen the business relationships formed at the Summit during multiple Women in Industry events held during TAPPICon including:

Learn more about TAPPICon 2022

Attendees can register for just the Women’s Summit or the full TAPPICon Conference. Register today.

