Art Ragauskas Receives Environment Prize from Royal Society of Chemistry

Art Ragauskas, Governor’s Chair for Biorefining at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee, has been named winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Environment Prize.

The Royal Society of Chemistry cited Ragauskas’ pioneering work developing several widely used tools and approaches in biorefining, including the mechanistic understanding of lignin conversion chemistry.
His research focuses on new and improved applications for naturally-derived renewable biopolymers for biofuels, biopower, and bio-based materials and chemicals, with the goal of replacing petroleum-derived products.

Upon receiving the prize, Ragauskas said, “There can be no higher honor than the acknowledgement that your work is contributing to a better environment.”

Julie Mitchell, director of the ORNL Biosciences Division, said, “We are honored to call Art a colleague at ORNL. His extraordinary contributions to biorefining have advanced breakthroughs in the conversion of biomass to useful products for industry and consumers, supporting a cleaner, greener bioeconomy.”

Ragauskas is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the International Academy of Wood Science, and the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI). He previously received the American Chemistry Society’s Affordable Green Chemistry Award and TAPPI’s Gunnar Nicholson Gold Medal Award.

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