Nippon Molding First Dry Molded Fiber Manufacturer in Japan

PulPac announces its first licensee in Japan, expanding Dry Molded Fiber production to Asia. Nippon Molding Co Ltd has ordered its first PulPac Modula from PulPac machine partner TechTribe and aims for a speedy market launch to supply the growing Japanese sustainability market with Dry Molded Fiber products, starting with coffee lids and food trays.

Nippon Molding has a long history in the molded fiber industry and is a leading producer of egg trays for the poultry industry in Japan. With a clear mission to use limited resources effectively, Nippon Molding now pursues the possibilities of paper by expanding its offer with Dry Molded Fiber.

“We keep challenging ourselves for a better future,” said Takehiro Ishihara, General Manager of Nippon Molding. “Making this revolutionary fiber-forming technology available to our customers will drive sustainability in the Japanese market and contribute to a greener society. PulPac’s Dry Molded Fiber network is a force for sustainable change and well aligned with Nippon’s motto, "Harmony," which means when many people cooperate at the same time, we become stronger.”

Dry Molded Fiber is a fiber-forming technology that can replace both traditional fiber molding and single-use plastic with resource-efficient, fiber-based alternatives at low cost – setting a new standard for sustainable packaging. The technology is invented, patented, and licensed by PulPac. Turn-key machine solutions based on the PulPac Modula machine platform are supplied by a network of PulPac partners, enabling fast technology scaling.

Sanna Fager, PulPac's Chief Commercial Officer, commented, “We are thrilled to enter the Japanese market together with Nippon Molding. They are a fast-moving partner known for their quick lead times, strong sustainability focus, profound expertise, and high-quality packaging solutions in molded fiber. We look forward to a long-term partnership, sharing know-how, and unlocking the full potential of resource-efficient and cost-competitive Dry Molded Fiber packaging within Nippon Molding's operations and customer network.”