Losing Sleep Over Mill Maintenance Issues?

Being a mill manager or superintendent shouldn’t always be about putting out fires — but it can certainly feel that way. In a perfect world, you’d be able to anticipate every worst-case scenario, but life rarely works out that way. When it comes to mill maintenance, this has never been truer. Equipment breakdowns can happen at any time and when they do, they can shut down a mill for days.

What if you could actually better plan for equipment failures? Though every leader needs to be adept at responding to crises and issues as they arise, they also need to be able to anticipate needs and challenges so they and their team are prepared to overcome them. TAPPICon 2023 offers the perfect session to help mill managers, superintendents and supervisors be proactive when it comes to mill maintenance. NEW this year, the session is called the Mill Maintenance Education Exchange.

Mill Maintenance Education Exchange
The Mill Maintenance Education Exchange, Wednesday, April 26 from 9:00am – 12:00pm, features six industry leaders presenting key methods and technologies to help mills anticipate maintenance issues and establish a preventative maintenance schedule. These maintenance “tips and tricks” are aimed at helping prevent costly shutdowns and help improve asset capacity and effectiveness. Participants will also receive CEUs for attending this session.

Presentations include:

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TAPPICon 2023
TAPPICon, April 22-26 in Atlanta, GA, provides professionals from around the world a platform to discuss key issues, new advancements/ technologies, and strategies for future success. Bringing together multiple industry segments into one interactive event, this global conference focuses on critical areas impacting paper, tissue, management, reliability & maintenance, women in industry and young professionals.

With the theme, “Three Rings of Success: Vision Technology Action,” the Conference offers over 200 expert-led presentations, panels and roundtable discussions. Program tracks include: Coating & Graphic Arts, Paper Additives, Papermaking Technology and Operations, Papermaking Fundamentals, PIMA Management, Process Control, Recycled Paperboard and Tissue.

Popular sessions include the State of the Industry, Hot Topics Breakfast, PIMA Executive Panel as well as the Mill Manager and PIMA/Superintendent roundtables.

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Exhibit Hall and Special Events
TAPPICon features a large exhibit floor where over 120 leading suppliers will showcase their latest developments in products and services. This is a great opportunity for attendees to meet with companies face-to-face to discuss potential solutions to their specific issues. Attendees can also attend the popular New Technology Showcase which takes place on Monday, April 24 and Tuesday, April 25 on the exhibit floor.

Known for providing a platform for building business relationships, TAPPICon offers attendees multiple networking events, career advancement and training opportunities, and committee meetings over the four-day conference. TAPPICon’s popular welcome reception will be held on Monday for the first time. Called the BIG TOP Welcome Reception, the event promises fun, games, good food and lots of laughter. The event is free to all full conference registered attendees.

Register Today
Industry professionals are encouraged to register and book their hotel as soon as possible as rooms are filling up quickly. The Sheraton is already sold out! To learn more about special mill rates, program updates, special events, and exhibitor information, visit TAPPICon.org.
