DS Smith Announces EUR 145 Million Upgrade Program For Its Vianna Mill in Portugal

DS Smith announced an ambitious upgrade program to its kraft paper mill in Viana, Portugal. A multi-year EUR 145 million package of investments will bring some of the most up to date papermaking machinery to the company's Viana paper mill in Portugal, rebuilding the mill's paper machine and reducing CO2 emissions.

According to DS Smith, the investment package will include the rebuild of the existing paper machine and a new state-of-the-art recovery boiler, which will be one of the most modern in Europe. The boiler will improve environmental performance by enhancing steam efficiency at the mill by 25%, with steam from the boiler being recycled back into the mill.

The new boiler will also support the rebuild of the mill's paper machine, PM4, increasing both its speed and capacity. The company has commissioned suppliers Voith and Valmet to rebuild the machine, with completion expected later this year.

"DS Smith is committed to leading the transition to a circular economy. Our paper making operations across Europe and North America are focused on providing the paper needed to meet the growing demand for sustainable packaging," said Niels Flierman, Head of Paper & Recycling at DS Smith.

"As one of our larger mills, Viana has a huge role to playing in this and the EUR 145 million investment is testament to our commitment to remain at the forefront of the market, and to lead the way in the race to net zero in the paper industry," Flierman added.

The start-up of the new boiler, which will be supplied by Valmet, is expected to be in early 2025.

This investment package is one of a number of projects across Europe and North America contributing to DS Smith's target to reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by 46% on an absolute basis by 2030, compared to 2019 levels, and to reach Net Zero emissions by 2050.

Viana Paper Mill, situated in northern Portugal, is a market leader in Southern Europe. Following an ambitious modernization plan in 2017, the mill became one of the most efficient kraftliner paper mills in Europe. It was acquired by DS Smith in 2018 and was previously known as Europac Kraft Viana.
