TAPPI Announces 2023 Award Winners for the Corrugated Packaging Division

TAPPI is pleased to announce Christopher Krumm, formerly vice president, production with Grief, Inc., now retired; Harrison Talton, R&D Researcher, Fiber Technology, WestRock; and Ed Stuczynksi, Director of Engineering at Menasha Packaging Co, LLC, will be honored during a special awards ceremony at CorrExpo, August 28-30, 2023 in Cleveland, Ohio.

Krumm will be presented with the Corrugated Division’s David A. Carlson Leadership and Service Award. A TAPPI Fellow, he has served on the TAPPI Board of Directors, the Corrugated Packaging Division’s Council (CPC), as well as its Supplier Advisory Council. The award is intended to recognize individuals for outstanding leadership and exceptional service to the Corrugated Packaging Division that have resulted in significant and demonstrable benefits to Division members.

Talton is one of TAPPI’s 2023 Young Professional of the Year recipients, an annual honor identifying aspiring young leaders in the global forest products, pulp, paper, tissue, packaging and associated industries. Eligible nominees are age 35 or younger with less than 10 years of industry experience. The award recognizes young professionals who have made significant contributions to the forest products industries in the following areas: leadership, community service, and problem-solving contributions to scientific or engineering projects.

Stuczynksi will be honored as Outgoing Division Chair. A TAPPI member since 2006, Stuczynksi has been an active Division participant serving in a variety of capacities, as well as being involved in the Division’s special events, including SuperCorrExpo, Corrugated Week and CorrExpo. Additionally, he serves on the Executive Committee of the Chicago TAPPI Local Section.

During the Awards ceremony, the Division will also celebrate its 2023 scholarship recipients:

Visit correxpo.org to register and learn more about the event. To learn more about the Corrugated Packaging Division, click here.
