Paper Excellence to Permanently Close Idled Catalyst Paper tiskwat Mill in Powell River

Paper Excellence Canada announced the permanent curtailment of Catalyst Paper tiskwat — its paper mill in Powell River, BC, Canada.

The tiskwat mill produced high quality specialty papers that are used in catalogues, magazines, newsletters, inserts, flyers, high-volume weekend newspaper magazines and food packaging papers.
"It was a difficult decision to curtail tiskwat indefinitely in December 2021," said Stew Gibson, Chief Operating Officer. "Following a comprehensive review of options, it has been determined that a restart of a pulp or paper business is not feasible. We now look forward to the redevelopment of the site."

In the 18 months since the indefinite curtailment, the majority of employees took voluntary severance, and a small number chose to transfer to another Paper Excellence Canada mill. When fully operating, Catalyst Paper tiskwat employed approximately 200 people.

The mill is secured and has been de-risked in terms of removing all major chemicals, fibre and fuels from the site," said Graham Kissack, Vice President, Environment, Health & Safety and Corporate Communications. "Longer term environmental assessments are underway."

"We are in conversation with potential buyers for the site," said Gibson. "However, it is too early in the process to make public statements."

Paper Excellence Canada will continue to supply pulp and paper customers with production from its other operating mills in British Columbia and Saskatchewan.