Quinnesec Re-Certified as MVPP Star Facility

The Quinnesec mill has been re-certified as an Occupational Safety and Health Administration Star facility under the Michigan Voluntary Protection Program (MVPP), a status that has been held by the mill since 2001.

“MVPP’s Star recognition exemplifies the result of successful efforts by employees, management, and government in partnering for excellence in workplace safety and health,” said Misty Nehring, Quinnesec Mill Safety Supervisor.

“Quinnesec mill has been commended for demonstrating a company culture that promotes management commitment, employee involvement and a desire to excel in safety and health,” continued Misty.

The MVPP Star award is the state’s highest recognition for workplace safety programs and performance. The program is designed to assist employers and employees by providing a mechanism and a set of criteria designed to evaluate and recognize outstanding safety and health management systems. This approval by the MVPP provides an exemption from programmed inspections for five years.

“This safety culture helps to reduce injuries and illnesses in the workplace but also provides a positive experience in promoting safety and health for all. Quinnesec mill has held the MVPP Star status since 2001 and is the longest running facility within Michigan to have this title. This is an elite title that I could not be prouder about. Great work, Quinnesec employees!,” said Misty.

The Billerud Quinnesec mill is recognized as one of the 25 companies among 400,000 in the state of Michigan to achieve MVPP Star status. Earning this distinction is a challenging accomplishment that requires the collective effort and support of many individuals. The safety culture at Quinnesec is notably robust, with a steadfast commitment to actively caring for one another and prioritizing safety above all else.
