Roundwood Prices for Sawlogs and Pulpwood in Sweden Increased in 2023

In 2023, the roundwood prices on delivery timber increased for sawlogs by 12 percent and for pulpwood by 37 percent in comparison to 2022. The prices are volume weighted averages for delivery timber and refer to current prices, which do not take inflation into account.

The price on sawlogs refers to annual average prices for sawlogs of pine and spruce. Regionally there are some slight differences regarding the development of prices on sawlogs. During 2023 the prices on sawlogs in Svealand increased by 14 percent in comparison to 2022 while the prices in Norra Norrland increased by 10 percent.

The roundwood prices on pulpwood refers to annual average prices for pulpwood of pine, spruce, and birch. Regionally there are some differences regarding the pulpwood prices. During 2023, in large parts of the country, the pulpwood prices rose by more than 30 percent, most in Svealand by 51 percent and least in Norra Norrland by 25 percent.

The volume of delivery purchase roundwood, which the statistics are based on, has decreased by more than half during the last 20 years, both regarding sawlogs and pulpwood. Delivery purchase represents a small share of the total sales of roundwood. The volume of sawlogs and pulpwood included in the statistics amounts to approximately 2,4 million cubic meters solid volume under bark.

Continued increase also during fourth quarter
Along with the annual statistics, the Swedish Forest Agency also presents statistics on the fourth quarter of 2023. Just as the third quarter in 2023, prices on both sawlogs and pulpwood of delivery timber continued to increase.

Prices on sawlogs increased by almost 6 percent during the fourth quarter in comparison to the third quarter of 2022. The largest increase for sawlog prices were in Södra Norrland by and Svealand by 9 percent while the increase in Norra Norrland was 4 percent. In Götaland the prices on sawlogs increased by 7 percent.

The price on pulpwood increased by 2 percent in the entire country during the fourth quarter in comparison to the third quarter of 2023.