Celebrating the Life of a Corrugated Legend: Richard "Rick" Croker

A true pioneer in the corrugated industry, Richard “Rick” Croker’s legacy will be celebrated for many years. As we reflect on Croker’s remarkable life and achievements, we celebrate the positive impact he made on TAPPI and the world of corrugated. He was a beloved TAPPI member, instructor, and mentor.

Rick Croker was in the corrugated industry for over 42 years. He first started as a foreman in quality at Continental Forest Industries (CFI) and later served as a corrugator production supervisor. He then held roles at Macmillan Bloedel and GP. He played a role in teaching crews, maintenance, box salesman, plant management, and paper mill technical staff how to perform corrugator and press engineering audits, equipment upgrades, preventative maintenance techniques, adhesive formulations, equipment productivity upgrades, waste reduction, centerlining, and more. He also used his extensive experience as a global troubleshooter to help GP’s Corrugated Industrial Development (CID) team.

Throughout his career, Croker made significant contributions to TAPPI, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing among its members. He was a TAPPI member from 1977 – 2023 and was inducted into the 2006 TAPPI Fellow class. He also served on TAPPI’s Board of Directors from 2003 – 2006 and was elected a TAPPI Fellow for his meritorious service to the association and the industry.

A very active member and volunteer, Croker authored numerous technical articles on all aspects of the corrugated industry and co-authored TIPs for TAPPI’s Corrugated Packaging Division. He introduced the industry to easy-to-use preventative maintenance checklists. He was also a member of various corrugated committees and local sections and was chairman of the Corbotec, Process Control and Quality Assurance and Production committees. He was also an instructor for TAPPI’s Best Practices on the Corrugator Course.

Croker’s passion for the industry and involvement with TAPPI led him to be awarded the Corrugated Leadership and Service Award in 2017. He has also received the Harry J. Bettendorf Prize, Special Certificate of Appreciation, and Certificate of Recognition for his contributions as a presenter.

In honoring the life and legacy of Rick Croker, we pay tribute to a true corrugated legend. His legacy lives on for future generations of TAPPI members and industry leaders.
