TAPPI's Dirt Estimation Charts Back in Stock

TAPPI has announced their popular Dirt Estimation Charts are back in stock, providing Quality Assurance professionals with essential tools for maintaining and enhancing quality processes.

Dirt contamination is a significant concern for the paper, packaging, medical, plastics, and other industries, impacting product appearance, performance, and customer satisfaction. TAPPI's Dirt Charts offer a reliable method for estimating the equivalent black area (EBA) of dirt or other colored specks. The Chart’s opaque material helps detect any foreign matter embedded in material which, when examined by reflected, not transmitted, light has a contrasting color to the rest of the surface. For additional confidence, they are produced by an ISO-certified manufacturer. The Dirt Charts are to be used with TAPPI/ANSI Test Methods T213, T437 and T537.

Size and Calibrated Size Estimation Chart
In addition to Dirt Estimation Charts, TAPPI offers both Size Estimation and Calibrated Size Estimation Charts. The Size Estimation Charts are transparent and used to measure the size of spots, defects, or inclusions over the range of 0.02 to 5.00 square millimeters. The charts can be used in a large number of applications where there is a need to estimate a size (area) by way of a direct comparison to a known circular area. Instructions for use of this transparency are outlined in TAPPI Test Method T 564.

TAPPI’s Calibrated Size Estimation Charts are used for quality control applications where exact dimension specifications are required. These charts have been individually calibrated and certified within tolerance and save customers time from having to calibrate estimations themselves. Each dot is calibrated using a high-powered microscope and issued a data confirmation sheet. Each calibrated chart bears a security hologram with a serial number that is trackable to each data sheet. Instructions for use of this transparency are outlined in TAPPI Test Method T 564.

Inspect with Confidence
For over 85 years, TAPPI has been providing the highest quality visual inspection tools, ensuring a legacy of excellence. These tools have become an industry standard, helping Quality Assurance professionals detect particulates, embedded defects or inclusions with confidence.

As manufacturing processes continue to evolve, TAPPI remains dedicated to empowering industries with the knowledge and tools needed to deliver superior quality products.

For more information and pricing, please visit tappi.org/charts.
