Irving Pulp & Paper Announces Generational Upgrade Planned for Saint John Pulp Mill

Irving Pulp & Paper has submitted a preliminary application to undertake a major upgrade to its pulp mill in Saint John, New Brunswick, (Canada) representing a new long-term capital improvement plan and a potential $1.1-billion investment.

Known as NextGen, the project will increase the mill's capacity while also increasing the green energy it generates, making it one of the top producing kraft pulp mills in the world and a global leader in environmental performance.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) related to the project has been submitted to New Brunswick's Department of Environment.

"These upgrades will ensure Saint John's pulp mill continues to be at the heart of the province's forest products supply chain, and provides a regional market for chips, bark and pulpwood," said Irving Pulp & Paper Vice President, Mark Mosher.

At the heart of the project is the construction of a new recovery boiler to replace the 1970s-era boiler. This project will increase production by approximately 66 per cent and facilitate several new environmental upgrades to the historic mill including:

During the four-year construction phase, the $1.1-billion capital investment project will:

This investment follows several major capital projects at the mill over the last 10 years, including a new $150-million Environmental Treatment Facility and a $500-million modernization plan which involved the construction of a new chip handling system, digester and pulp dryer announced in 2014.