De Iuliis Wins Major Contract for Revamping Paper Machine at San Martino Paper Mill in Italy

In a significant development within the paper industry, De Iuliis C & A has been awarded a new contract to revamp the paper machine at San Martino Paper Mill in Italy This strategic project, worth several million euros, is a crucial move to modernize one of the most critical assets within the mill.

The contract involves a complete overhaul of the existing paper machine at the Broccostella (FR) mill, which has been in operation for several decades. The revamping project has been designed to extend the operating life of the machine, increase its productivity and improve the quality of the paper produced, as well as ensure greater operator safety during normal production and routine cleaning and maintenance. De Iuliis will modify the entire plant with state-of-the-art technology and advanced engineering solutions to ensure that the renovated plant meets the latest industry standards.

The renovation will include several upgrades at critical points in the plant: