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Listed below are TAPPI Standards that have recently gone out for ballot to the corresponding Standard-Specific Interest Group (SSIG). The date in parentheses is the closing date for voting.

T 257 sp-14 Sampling and preparing wood for analysis (November 6, 2020)
T 272 sp-12 Forming handsheets for reflectance testing of pulp (sheet machine procedure) (November 1, 2020)
T 414 om-12 Internal tearing resistance of paper (Elmendorf-type method) (November 2, 2020)
T 432 cm-09 Water absorbency of bibulous papers (November 2, 2020)
T 479 cm-09 Smoothness of paper (Bekk method) (November 2, 2020)
T 502 cm-07 Equilibrium relative humidity of paper and paperboard (November 1, 2020)
T 512 sp-12 Creasing of flexible packaging material paper specimens for testing (November 1, 2020)
T 560 om-10 CIE whiteness and tint of paper and paperboard (d/0 geometry, C/2 illuminant /observer) (November 2, 2020)
T 562 om-10 CIE whiteness and tint of paper and paperboard (45/0 geometry, C/2 illuminant/observer) (November 2, 2020)
T 577 om-13 Score bend test (November 8, 2020)
T 820 cm-09 Flexural stiffness of corrugated board (November 1, 2020)
T 826 om-13 Short span compressive strength of containerboard (November 5, 2020)
T 1215 sp-12 The determination of instrumental color differences (November 8, 2020)

Correction: In the September issue of STAR Newsletter, the ballots below were not announced by mistake. The ballot closing date for each of them has passed.

However, if you would like to review the draft of any of the Standards in ballot below and/or if you would like to cast a vote on any of these ballots, please contact the TAPPI Standards Department no later than October 30, 2020. We apologize for this inconvenience.

T 254 cm-10 Cupriethylenediamine disperse viscosity of pulp (falling ball method) (October 19, 2020)
T 258 om-16 Basic density and moisture content of pulpwood (November 12, 2020)
T 406 om-13 Reducible sulfur in paper and paperboard (October 19, 2020)
T 437 om-12 Dirt in paper and paperboard (October 19, 2020)
T 465 sp-16 Static creasing of paper for water vapor transmission tests (October 19, 2020)
T 537 om-16 Dirt count in paper and paperboard (optical character recognition - OCR) (November 12, 2020)

The TAPPI Standards regulations require public review of standards that are up for ballot. Send a message to if you want to request a copy of the draft in ballot. If you would like to participate in the SSIGs that review and vote on the Standards, please contact TAPPI Standards Department at

TAPPI Standards guidelines require that all TAPPI members receive notification of any proposed new Standard or TIPs. This message is being sent to you because you are a TAPPI member; have purchased TIPs or Standards products from TAPPI; or because you have previously expressed interest in this topic.


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