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This section brings the experiences and shows the hard work of volunteers of TAPPI who work with Standards, TIPs or ISO TC 6.

Please meet our first STAR Member, Jacob A. Levesque

Jacob Levesque is a second-year undergraduate student at the University of Maine (UMaine) studying Chemical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics and a concentration in Pulp & Paper Management. He has completed a summer internship at the Sappi Somerset Mill, where he served as a Pulp Lab Technician and learned valuable technical and engineering skills. He is actively engaged in the UMaine Pulp and Paper Foundation and the TAPPI/PIMA Northeast Student Chapter. Additionally, Jacob contributes to the UMaine community as a student researcher. He’s looking forward to starting a process engineering co-op at Packaging Corporation of America in Filer City, MI.

“Anyone on the fence about volunteering their time to participate in TAPPI Standards should greatly consider the importance of the impact they can have on the industry and their surrounding communities.”

How has your involvement in TAPPI impacted your professional life?
Participating in TAPPI has significantly impacted my learning capabilities as a chemical engineering undergraduate student with hopes of going into the pulp and paper industry post-graduation. The work I do as a Standards volunteer has increased my strength in technical writing and reading with an emphasis on industry improvement. Moreover, my involvement at UMaine has included being a member of the TAPPI/PIMA Northeast Student Chapter. This provides unique opportunities for student engagement, including things like networking and opportunities to attend national conferences. My involvement in TAPPI has greatly expanded my ability to learn and develop as an aspiring chemical engineer.

What sparked your interest in Standards?
During the summer of my freshman year, I interviewed with Sappi Somerset mill in Skowhegan, Maine and was offered an internship. This unique position allowed me to work as a technical assistant in the Pulp Process Lab and gain experience working on a shift schedule to conduct tests to support the 24/7 continuous Kraft pulping process. This job involved collecting and analyzing pulp, Kraft liquors, and other samples for verification of meters throughout the Mill. Moreover, it involved collaborating with Pulping Operators and Supervisors in the Bleach Plant to report results and ensure the quality of the process. This experience introduced me to the importance of TAPPI Standards when running these tests. The TAPPI Standards give the operator and the mill, as a whole, a sense of assurance that the products produced in these mills are of high quality and regulated for purposes of safety and industry innovation. This internship opportunity was presented to me through the UMaine Pulp and Paper Foundation (UMPPF), which gives students the ability to gain insight into real engineering experiences in the Pulp and Paper industry. A mentor of mine, Carrie Enos, is the president of the Foundation. Carrie is a TAPPI Fellow that I have known since attending Consider Engineering, a high school summer program hosted by UMPPF. She has been a great inspiration for me as I navigate the process of becoming more involved.

Is there any particular review that has impacted you? Please tell us about your experience.
One of the most recent and impactful reviews I have done was a ballot for T-625 Analysis of soda and sulfate black liquor. This review went about the same as any other ballot voting procedure, but this one in particular brought about a change that I felt was significant for the industry moving forward. Some of the suggestions were minor, involving typos, yet these changes are still important for increasing clarity for the workers. However, another change involved a suggestion to bold, or make more noticeable, the warning label to prevent a chemical explosion in one of the sections of the Standard sheet. This kind of change is significant, as any potential hazard should be noted properly for those working in these environments. Since safety is of utmost importance in the industry, this change stood out to me.

Why do you think Standards are important? How have you used them in your field?
The importance of TAPPI Standards cannot be overstated for the industry. With the experience I have had thus far, these standards ensure consistency and quality in the production of pulp, paper, and related products. By adhering to these standards, companies that employ them in their mills can meet specific quality benchmarks, leading to reliable and satisfactory products for consumers. Additionally, the use of these standardized procedures leads to expanded safety in the workplace, compliance with regulatory agencies, and the promotion of sustainable practices that help bolster environmental stewardship. With a common framework for manufacturers like TAPPI standards, companies across the globe can better understand product specifications and regulatory requirements that keep the pulp and paper industry sustainable and innovative.

Tell us a bit about yourself. (Hobbies, education, and passion)
Outside of my academic/professional life, I enjoy spending time outdoors! Much of this interest came from my involvement with the Boy Scouts of America, where I planned meetings and events, mentored new scouts through the ranks, and completed 150+ hours of service. The experience helped me gain valuable leadership and teamwork skills that define my everyday decisions. I achieved Eagle Scout, the highest scouting rank, in June 2021. From all of my past experiences, I remain eager to make a difference and inspire others.

What would you tell people that have never participated in Standards activities?
Getting involved with standards offers valuable opportunities for professional development. It allows you to deepen your understanding of industry best practices, stay updated on the latest advancements, and expand your network by interacting with experts and peers. Personally, this development has allowed me to share insights related to standards that have helped shape my vision for the industry. Beyond building the industry, working in standards serves a broader societal purpose by promoting safety and sustainability. Anyone on the fence about volunteering their time to participate in TAPPI Standards should greatly consider the importance of the impact they can have on the industry and their surrounding communities.

Does working with Standards give you a sense of fulfillment?
Yes! Working with TAPPI Standards has greatly influenced my desire to get more involved with the pulp and paper industry. It has shown me how important it is to the development of innovative products while maintaining proper safety and environmental practices in the workplace. Being able to influence changes in these policies and make them more efficient for workers in the industry allows me to make a direct impact on those principles. Without my involvement in Standards, much of my understanding of the industry would be incomplete; thus, I am provided with a sense of fulfillment when I look at the impact I can have on those around me.

If you could describe the value of TAPPI membership in one word, what would it be?

Thank you, Jacob Levesque for your contribution with TAPPI!

If you would like to share your experience with Standards, TIPs or ISO TC 6, please write to and the TAPPI Standards team will be happy to interview you.

TAPPI Standards guidelines require that all TAPPI members receive notification of any proposed new Standard or TIPs. This message is being sent to you because you are a TAPPI member; have purchased TIPs or Standards products from TAPPI; or because you have previously expressed interest in this topic.


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