T 449 "Bacteriological examination of paper and paperboard"

TAPPI Standard T 449 "Bacteriological examination of paper and paperboard" is now up for five-year review. There are, however, only 9 members in the Standard-Specific Interest Group for T 449, and the TAPPI guidelines require a minimum of 10.

The scope of T 449 is: The following procedure is recommended for the bacteriological examination of paper and paperboard intended for use as single service containers and closures for dairy products. Because of the exacting technique required in bacteriological procedures, reproducible results can be obtained only by a trained technician. All tests should be performed under the appropriate laboratory conditions to ensure quality assurance and safety.

If you would like to join the SSIG for T 449, please reply to standards@tappi.orgno later than July 15, 2011. If at least 10 individuals are members of the SSIG by that date, the standard will be balloted for the review.