...that the Standards Advisory Review Group (SARG) is the final approval point for TAPPI Standards? The SARG, appointed by the Quality and Standrads Management Committee, is responsible for assuring that the regulations governing TAPPI Standards have been followed in the review and/or development of all TAPPI Standards.

Current activity relevant to SARG can be found on the SARG web page. The next SARG meeting will be during Papercon, on the week of May 16th. All TAPPI Standards that have gone through the balloting process since the last SARG meeting and are ready for final approval will be voted on at that time. 

At least 50 days prior to the meeting, the SARG web page will be updated to show the full agenda of Standards being considered for approval, with links to the draft revisions. Any person who has an interest in any of the Standards has the right to view the drafts and submit comments for SARG to consider before approving the final draft.

The SARG meeting is open to any interested parties, either by attending in person or participating by conference call. To obtain the call-in number for the next meeting, send an email prior to May 10, 2016 to standards@tappi.org.