Listed below are TAPPI Standards that have recently gone out for ballot to the corresponding Standard-Specific Interest Group (SSIG). The date in parentheses is the closing date for voting.

T 438 cm-06 Zinc and cadmium in paper (May 11, 2020)
T 580 pm-12 Thickness (caliper) of towel, tissue, napkin and facial products (May 15, 2020)
T 646 om-11 Brightness of clay and other mineral pigments (45/0) (May 21, 2020)
T 656 cm-07 Measuring, sampling, and analyzing white waters (April 19, 2020)
T 826 om-13 Short span compressive strength of containerboard (April 18, 2020)
T 836 om-13 Bending stiffness, four point method (April 26, 2020)

The TAPPI Standards regulations require public review of standards that are up for ballot. Send a message to if you want to request a copy of the draft in ballot. If you would like to participate in the SSIGs that review and vote on the Standards, please contact TAPPI Standards Department at