ISO TC6 (pulp, paper and board) is a Technical Committee (TC) which consists of a number of one Subcommittee (SC), 17 Working Groups (WG), 1 Joint Working Group (JWG), and 2 Technical Groups (TG). Here is the structure:

 ISO TC6 structure crop (resize3)

US Technical Advisory Group (US TAG) to ISO TC6 (pulp, paper and board) will meet in the Fall of 2020. The date has yet to be determined.

Upcoming ISO TC6 Plenary Meetings:
2021 – Beijing, China [June 7-11]
2022 – Berlin, Germany [September 19-23]

Todd Popson
U.S. TAG Chair to ISO TC 6

If you would like to know more or join the U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 6, please write to