The system for review and development of TAPPI Standards requires an announcement of review dates so that any interested TAPPI parties may access drafts, submit comments, and/or joinStandard-Specific Interest Group (SSIG) to cast an official vote.

Listed below are the Standards that will be up for review in 2022. The date indicated is the target date on which the draft will be distributed to the SSIG for that particular Standard. Any interested individuals who wish to be part of the voting for any Standard should send a message to or sign up on the SSIG request page for voting membership on the corresponding SSIG prior to the target ballot date, if possible (SSIGs are listed under respective subject categories). Anyone who joins the SSIG before the target balloting date will receive a notice of the ballot.

T 1210 sp-18 Units of measurement and conversion factor (April 2022)

T 1216 sp-18 Indices for whiteness, yellowness, brightness, and luminous reflectance factor (April 2022)

T 212 om-18 One percent sodium hydroxide solubility of wood and pulp (April 2022)

T 232 cm-13 Fiber length of pulp by projection (April 2022)

T 262 sp-18 Preparation of mechanical pulps for testing (April 2022)

T 281 sp-18 Open drum washer mat sampling technique (April 2022)

T 419 om-18  Starch in paper (April 2022)

T 464 om-18 Water vapor transmission rate of paper and paperboard at high temperature and humidity (April 2022)

T 495 cm-13 Bending number of paperboard (April 2022)

T 530 om-18 Size test for paper by ink resistance (Hercules-type method) (April 2022)

T 536 om-18 Resistance of paper to passage of air (high-pressure Gurley method) (April 2022)

T 547 om-18  Air permeance of paper and paperboard (Sheffield method) (April 2022)

T 579 om-18 Diffuse brightness of paper, paperboard and pulp (d/0) (ultraviolet level D65) (April 2022)

T 1217 sp-18 Photometric linearity of optical properties instruments (October 2022)

T 1218 sp-18 Calibration of reflectance standards for hemispherical geometry (October 2022)

T 1500 gl-18 Optical measurements terminology (related to appearance evaluation of paper) (October 2022)

T 1501 sg-18 Training standard for paper machine tender (October 2022)

T 205 sp-18 Forming handsheets for physical tests of pulp (October 2022)

T 266 om-18 Determination of sodium, calcium, copper, iron and manganese in pulp and paper by atomic absorption spectroscopy (October 2022)

T 271 om-18 Fiber length of pulp and paper by automated optical analyzer using polarized light (October 2022)

T 275 sp-18 Screening of pulp (Somerville-type equipment) (October 2022)

T 491 om-18 Water immersion number of paperboard (October 2022)

T 551 om-18 Thickness of paper and paperboard (soft platen method) (October 2022)

T 568 om-18 Physical area of sub-visible contraries in pulp, paper and paperboard by image analysis (October 2022)

T 218 sp-18 Forming handsheets for reflectance testing of pulp (Büchner funnel procedure) (October 2022)

T 210 cm-13 Sampling and testing wood pulp shipments for moisture (November 2022)

If you have joined a Standard Specific Interest Group (SSIG) for any Standard, you will receive a notice for ballot at the proper time with instructions for casting your vote and making your comments. If you wish to join a SSIG for a particular Standard, please go to the Subject Categories on the Standards page or contact the Standards Department at TAPPI (, or phone +1-770-209-7249 or fax +1-770-446-6947).