The Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIGs) for the following Standards are in need of additional members. These groups may or may not have ballots currently open.

All Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIG) require a minimum of 10 members in order to ballot and vote on a draft of a method. The following test methods do not have the required minimum number of members to initiate a ballot:

 Chemical Properties

 T 434 cm-10       Acid-soluble iron in paper                                       

                            Automatic review - 10/2019           Current SSIG Count = 9


T 493 cm-10       Identification and determination of melamine resin in paper   

                            Automatic review - 10/2019         Current SSIG Count = 9


T 621 cm-10       Analysis of rosin                                                        

                            Automatic review - 10/2019         Current SSIG Count = 9


T 628 cm-10       Analysis of rosin size                                                 

                            Automatic review - 10/2019        Current SSIG Count = 9 


Fillers and Pigments
T438 cm-06  Zinc and Cadmium in Paper
                      Draft 2                                              Current SSIG Count = 9


Sulfite and Semichemical Pulping
 T 604 cm-09  Sulfur dioxide in sulfite cooking liquor
                        Draft 2                                            Current SSIG Count = 8


Participating in a SSIG is free and open to anyone interested. Join now!

If no progress is made on balancing these SSIGs, then the respective methods may be considered for withdrawal at the next Q&SMC meeting. If you have an interest in becoming a member of either of these SSIGs please contact or visit