Check here the list of recently published TAPPI Technical Information Papers (TIPs):

TIP 0408-01 Checklist For a Properly Planned Project (Revised)
TIP 0418-02 Recausticizing Material Balance Equations Relating to Digester Requirements (Revised)
TIP 0425-06 Guidelines and Procedures for Inspections and Maintenance of Yankee Dryer Doctor Systems (Reaffirmed)

We extend our special appreciation to the following volunteers who served as Working Group Chairs in the recently published reviews of TAPPI TIPs:

Margaret Gorog – WGC for TIP 0408-01
Subra Arasakesari - WGC for TIP 0418-02
Mike Soucy - WGC for TIP 0425-06

Special note: Documents appearing in the TAPPI online version of the Standards and TIPs are updated once a month (usually around the 30th). It is possible that there is a delay between the publication announcement and the posting online. If you are a subscriber to the online access to Standards and TIPs and you are in a hurry for new documents that have not yet been posted, you can send a request for TIPs to or for Standards to