The scope of the proposal for a new Technical Information Paper is shown below, as well as the assigned Subject Category, the date when the Work Item was opened, the title of the new proposal and the name of the Working Group Chair (WGC).

1101 - Process Control
[April 12, 2024] WI 241101.02 Dirt quantification for bleached kraft pulp with a single sided web inspection system using transmitted light WGC: Bryan Mock

Scope: This document describes guidelines and recommended practices for the detection and quantification of dirt specks in a moving sheet of bleached kraft pulp using light transmitted through the pulp sheet. Dirt speck results are reported as “Physical” Size and not as the Equivalent Black Area (EBA) of the laboratory standard method T563, which must be measured with reflected light.

If you would like to join the Working Group or review the final draft for this new proposal, please write to