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TAPPI Standards in Ballot

The below ballots are being re-opened (AMENDED) for 45 days so everyone has an opportunity to vote after the unsuccessful migration of the Kavi Balloting System. There are not any changes to the original content of these ballots. If you have already voted, you do not need to do so again, but are welcome to log in and review your previous choice.

T 203 cm-09 Alpha-, beta- and gamma-cellulose in pulp (Nov 10, 2019)

T 221 cm-09 Drainage time of pulp (Nov 10, 2019)

T 236 om-13 Kappa number of pulp (Nov 30, 2019)

T 274 sp-13 Laboratory screening of pulp (MasterScreen-type instrument) (Nov 21, 2019)

T 277 sp-14 Macro stickies content in pulp: the “pick-up” method (Nov 10, 2019)

T 428 om-13 Hot water extractable acidity or alkalinity of paper (Nov 21, 2019) 

T 455 sp-14 Identification of wire side of paper (Nov 10, 2019)

T 459 om-13 Surface strength of paper (wax pick test) (Nov 30, 2019)

T 494 om-13 Tensile properties of paper and paperboard (using constant rate of elongation apparatus) (Nov 21, 2019)

T 569 om-14 Internal bond strength (Scott type) (Nov 21, 2019)

T 804 om-12 Compression test of fiberboard shipping containers (Nov 10, 2019)

T 820 cm-09 Flexural stiffness of corrugated board (Nov 21, 2019)

General Announcements

The Pulping, Engineering, Environmental, Recycling and Sustainability (PEERS) Conference is scheduled for October 27 - 30 in St. Louis, MO. Registration is still open, come join the fun!

Temporary replacement of TAPPI Staff

Starting in July 2019, Priscila Briggs, TAPPI Standards Department Manager, will be temporarily away from her activities, during her maternity leave. The Standards Department will have the support of Deborah Dodson, Standards Coordinator, Shayne Nicholas - U.S. TAG Administrator (temporary) and Souadou Camara, Standards team support. 

For any questions related to Standards, TIPs or Useful Methods, please write to Deborah using the contact information below:


TIPs or UMs:

For any questions related to the U.S. TAG to ISO TC 6, please write to Shayne using the contact information below:  


TAPPI Standards Online Balloting System Update

TAPPI has started to gradually re-open the ballots on the initial 20 Standards that were caught in the migration.

HigherLogic set up a temporary Workspace that has the same look and feel as what we previously used.  The prior ballot information has been loaded into this new site and we are gradually re-opening each of the existing ballots from the migration to give everyone a chance to vote.  Once each ballot re-opens, voters will receive an email notification that includes a link to the new voting location with a message stating the ballot has been AMENDED.  There will not be any changes to the existing ballots.  If you have already voted, you do not need to do so again, but are welcome to log in and review your previous choice.  As this is a different website, new usernames and passwords will be required for each user.

Once you receive an email notification that your ballot has been re-opened, if you have any issues with logging into the new site or need your username or password reset, please contact Kristin Whitman at

Due to the migration failure that occurred, TAPPI decided to move to a different platform with Standards balloting and is currently testing options that better fit our needs. The site that we short listed and are currently evaluating will need some additional work completed, which will mean a longer set up timeframe than initially projected. We realize this downtime is affecting the Standards backlog so the above temporary solution (Workspace) has been put in place until our new platform is available.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Thank you, we appreciate your patience while we work through and resolve the migration issues and look forward to bringing you an improved balloting experience in the future! 

SSIG Members Needed

All Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIG) require a minimum of 10 members in order to ballot and vote on a draft of a method. The Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIGs) for the following Standards are in need of additional members. These groups may or may not have ballots currently open.

T 203 cm-09 Alpha-, beta- and gamma-cellulose in pulp (1 member needed)

T 604 cm-09 Sulfur dioxide in sulfite cooking liquor (3-4 SSIG members needed)

Standards Coming Up For Review

The below Standards will be re-opening soon and now have the minimum 10 members.  Please contact if anyone would like to join the below SSIGs.

T 249 cm-09 Carbohydrate composition of extractive-free wood and wood pulp by gas-liquid chromatography

T 511 om-13 Folding endurance of paper (MIT tester)

T 529 om-14 Surface pH measurement of paper

Acronyms You May Need to Know

List of Common Acronyms Relevant to Standards and TIPs

For details on these commonly-used acronyms in the development of TAPPI Standards and TIPs, please see the Standards Guidelines and the TIP Guidelines, or send your questions to mailto: or 

TIP = Technical Information Paper 
Q&SMC = Quality and Standards Management Committee 
SSIG = Standard-Specific Interest Group 
SARG = Standards Advisory Review Group 
WI = Work Item 
WG = Working Group 
WGC = Working Group Chairman 
om = Official Method 
pm = Provisional Method 
sp = Standard Practice 
cm = Classical Method 
ss = Standard Specification 
sg = Standard Guideline 
gl = Standard Glossary 
wd = Withdrawn Standard 
UM = Useful Method

Searching and Ordering TAPPI Standards, TIPs, and Useful Methods

Details on how to search and order TAPPI Standards, TIPs, and Useful Methods can be found on the TAPPI website’s Search and Order page. 

All individual TIPs or Standards are available for electronic or paper delivery.  For electronic delivery, the documents are e-mailed in PDF format.  Hard copy documents can be mailed or faxed, but shipping and handling costs will apply.

For Individual TIPs, order Item Number: 0108____ (Insert TIP number) 

For Individual Standards, order Item Number: 0104T____ (Insert Standard number)

For individual Useful Methods, order item number: 0104UM_____ (Insert UM number)

List price: $49; TAPPI member price: $32. There are no shipping or handling charges for electronic documents.

The 2019 collection of Standards, TIPs, and UMs, published in January of 2019 (product code STUCD-19), is available on CD.  An Individual or Company License for access to the continually updated collection of Standards, TIPs, and UMs via the web is the best way to always have a current set of documents accessible. A print-on-demand version of either the Standards, TIPs, or UMs, current and updated as of the date printed, is also available. 

For information and quotes on company licenses, contact TAPPI Press ( or +1-770-209-7277. For regular orders (including individual online licenses), contact Member Connection at 1-800-332-8686 (US), 1-800-446-9431 (Canada), or +1-770-446-1400 (international), or order on line at

TAPPI Standards, TIPS and Useful Methods Online

TAPPI Standards, TIPs and Useful Methods Online Subscription gives you point-and-click access, providing immediate answers anytime problems arise.

You’ll save $186 alone by purchasing a subscription to Standards, TIPs and Useful Methods Online along with a TAPPI membership.  This offer also applies each year you renew your membership.

By joining TAPPI, you receive substantial savings on all TAPPI events, products and services and receive Paper 360, TAPPI Journal and Specialty Newsletters.

Combine the Power of TAPPI Membership and the Quality of Performance by purchasing a TAPPI membership along with Standards online.  Be a part of the TAPPI Community.

TAPPI Membership $174 + Standards Online $125 = $299 with membership renewal
Individual Standards Online without membership renewal = $250
Non-members Standards Online = $485

TAPPI Standards, TIPs and Useful Methods – on demand – anytime, anywhere.

Individual Access and Company license
Standards Guidelines
TIPs Guidelines


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TAPPI is the leading technical association for the worldwide pulp, paper and converting industry.
15 Technology Parkway South | Suite 115 | Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 |
1-800-332-8686 (US) | 1-800-446-9431 (Canada) | +1-770-446-1400 (Worldwide)
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