Check here the list of TAPPI Technical Information Papers (TIPs) recently published:
TIP 0402-27 Guidelines for inspection of continuous digesters and impregnation vessels (Revised) TIP 0404-04 Recommended tensions in dryer fabrics (Revised) TIP 0410-10 Weirs and Flumes (Revised) TIP 0420-12 Guidelines for evaluation of liquid ring vacuum pump performance (Revised)
We extend our special appreciation to the following volunteers who served as Working Group Chairs in the recently published reviews of TAPPI TIPs:
Margaret Gorog - WGC for TIP 0402-27 Dave Burton – WGC for TIP 0404-04 Phillip Wells - WGC for TIP 0410-10 Charles Wunner – WGC for TIP 0420-12
Check here the list of TAPPI Useful Methods (UMs) recently published:
UM 251 Permanganate number of pulp (Reaffirmed)
We extend our special appreciation to the following volunteers who served as Working Group Chairs in the recently published reviews of TAPPI Useful Methods:
Don Guay – WGC for UM 251
Special note: Documents appearing in the TAPPI online version of the Standards, TIPs, and Useful Methods are updated once a month (usually around the 30th). So, it is possible that there is a delay between the publication announcement and the posting online. If you are a subscriber to the online access to Standards, TIPs, and Useful Methods and you are in a hurry for new documents that have not yet been posted, you can send a request for TIPs to or for Standards and Useful Methods to
Listed below are TAPPI Standards that have recently gone out for ballot to the corresponding Standard-Specific Interest Group (SSIG). The date in parentheses is the closing date for voting.
T 845 om-20 Wet pin adhesion of corrugated board by selective separation (February 5th, 2025)
T 401 om-20 Fiber analysis of paper and paperboard (February 23rd, 2025)
The TAPPI Standards regulations require public review of standards that are up for ballot. Send a message to if you want to request a copy of the draft in ballot. If you would like to participate in the SSIGs that review and vote on the Standards, please contact TAPPI Standards Department at
Getting started is easy. Do you have just a general idea for a Standard, or are you farther along and have a substantial draft? If you just have a general idea for a Standard or TIP, complete the New Idea Submission form. TAPPI will review your idea and identify an appropriate committee or group to work on your suggestion. If you are further along, send an initial draft to From there, the TAPPI Standards Manager will guide you through the appropriate process to finalize and approve the new document.
Withdrawal of TIP 1205-02
TIP 1205-02 Cotton in nonwovens has been withdrawn due to lack of relevancy in the industry. This Automatically Periodically Reviewed TIP is required to be reviewed every 10 years.
Withdrawn TIPs are available free for TAPPI members and for a $10 charge to nonmembers.
To initiate the reinstatement process for withdrawn TIPs, please contact to open a Work Item.
This TIP, Technical Information Paper, is provided to assist in evaluating the performance of single-stage, liquid ring vacuum pumps. Cone ported liquid ring vacuum pumps are a common source of paper machine vacuum in the pulp and paper industry. This paper is also applicable to other designs of single-stage liquid ring vacuum pumps such as flat plate ported.

Date of Publication: January 31, 2025
Purchasing Link:
Working Group Members: Charles H. Wünner – Chair, Vooner FloGard LLC Rip Penkert, PE, Wood PLC Tim Bernhardt, Wood PLC Jeffrey Lancaster PE, Wood PLC Matthew Hildebrand, MAN Energy Solutions USA Inc. John A. Neun, PE, John A. Neun, LLC
If you would like to share your experience with Standards, TIPs or ISO TC 6, please write to and the TAPPI Standards team will be happy to interview you.
Volunteers for the following working groups of Technical Information Papers (TIPs) are needed.All Working Groups of TIPs require a minimum of 3 TAPPI members from 3 different companies in order to review a TIP. The following TIPs do not have an assigned Working Group Chair (WGC) to initiate the review:
Working Group Chairs Needed:
TIP 0404-20 Physical characterization of press fabrics: basis weight, air permeability, and pressure uniformity TIP 0502-20 Catalog of Stock Preparation Pilot Plants
Working Group Members Needed:
TIP 0402-13 Guidelines for specification and inspection of electric resistance welded (ERW) and seamless boiler tube for critical and non-critical service TIP 0402-18 Ultrasonic testing (UT) for tube thickness in black liquor recovery boilers: Part I - Guidelines for accurate tube thickness testing; Part II - Default layouts for tube thickness surveys in various boiler zones TIP 0404-02 Measurement of dryer condensing rates (batch method) TIP 0404-20 Physical characterization of press fabrics: basis weight, air permeability, and pressure uniformity TIP 0502-20 Catalog of Stock Preparation Pilot Plants
If you would like to join a Working Group of a TIP, please write to for more information.
The Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIGs) for the following Standards are in need of additional members. These groups may or may not have ballots currently open.
T 272 sp-21 Forming handsheets for reflectance testing of pulp (sheet machine procedure)
T 444 sp-21 Silver tarnishing by paper and paperboard
T 454 om-21 Turpentine test for voids in glassine and greaseproof papers
T 512 sp-21 Creasing of flexible packaging material paper specimens for testing
T 572 sp-21 Accelerated pollutant aging of printing and writing paper by pollution chamber exposure apparatus
T 573 sp-21 Accelerated temperature aging of printing and writing paper by dry oven exposure apparatus
T 1212 sp-21 Light sources for evaluating papers including those containing fluorescent whitening agents
Participating in a SSIG is free and open to anyone interested. Join now!
If no progress is made on balancing these SSIGs, then the respective methods may be considered for withdrawal at the next Q&SMC meeting. If you have an interest in becoming a member of either of these SSIGs please contact
The system for review and development of TAPPI Standards requires an announcement of review dates so that any interested TAPPI parties may access the drafts, submit comments, and/or join the Standard-Specific Interest Group (SSIG) to cast an official vote.
Listed below are the Standards that will be up for review in 2025. The date indicated is the target date on which the draft will be distributed to the Standard-Specific Interest Group (SSIG) for that particular Standard.
T 1215 sp-21 The determination of instrumental color differences (May 17, 2025) T 257 sp-21 Sampling and preparing wood for analysis (May 17, 2025) T 258 om-21 Basic density and moisture content of pulpwood (May 17, 2025) T 272 sp-21 Forming handsheets for reflectance testing of pulp (sheet machine procedure) (May 17, 2025) T 402 sp-21 Standard conditioning and testing atmospheres for paper, board, pulp handsheets, and related products (May 17, 2025) T 414 om-21 Internal tearing resistance of paper (Elmendorf-type method) (May 17, 2025) T 437 om-21 Dirt in paper and paperboard (May 17, 2025) T 454 om-21 Turpentine test for voids in glassine and greaseproof papers (May 17, 2025) T 512 sp-21 Creasing of flexible packaging material paper specimens for testing (May 17, 2025) T 529 om-21 Surface pH measurement of paper (May 17, 2025) T 537 om-21 Dirt count in paper and paperboard (optical character recognition - OCR) (May 17, 2025) T 556 om-21 Bending resistance of paper and paperboard by single-point bending methods (May 17, 2025) T 560 om-21 CIE whiteness and tint of paper and paperboard (d/0 geometry, C/2 illuminant/observer) (May 17, 2025) T 562 om-21 CIE whiteness and tint of paper and paperboard (45/0 geometry, C/2 illuminant/observer) (May 17, 2025) T 563 om-21 Equivalent black area (EBA) and count of visible dirt in pulp, paper and paperboard by image analysis (May 17, 2025) T 657 sp-21 Sampling of fillers and pigments (May 17, 2025) T 826 om-21 Short span compressive strength of containerboard (May 17, 2025) T 829 om-21 Score quality test (May 17, 2025) T 831 om-21 Water absorption of corrugating medium: water drop penetration test (May 17, 2025) T 462 cm-16 Castor-oil penetration test for paper (May 18, 2025) T 627 cm-16 Determination of titanium dioxide (May 18, 2025) T 1212 sp-21 Light sources for evaluating papers including those containing fluorescent whitening agents (October 14, 2025) T 200 sp-21 Laboratory beating of pulp (Valley beater method) (October 14, 2025) T 213 om-21 Dirt in pulp - chart method (October 14, 2025) T 220 sp-21 Physical testing of pulp handsheets (October 14, 2025) T 222 om-21 Acid insoluble lignin in wood and pulp (October 14, 2025) T 227 om-21 Freeness of pulp (Canadian standard method) (October 14, 2025) T 248 sp-21 Laboratory beating of pulp (PFI mill method) (October 14, 2025) T 259 om-21 Species identification of nonwood plant fibers (October 14, 2025) T 277 sp-21 Macro stickies content in pulp: the “pick-up” method (October 14, 2025) T 278 sp-21 Pulp screening (Valley-type screening device) (October 14, 2025) T 411 om-21 Thickness (caliper) of paper, paperboard, and combined board (October 14, 2025) T 425 om-21 Opacity of paper (15/d geometry, illuminant A/2 degrees, 89% reflectance backing and paper backing) (October 14, 2025) T 428 om-21 Hot water extractable acidity or alkalinity of paper (October 14, 2025) T 444 sp-21 Silver tarnishing by paper and paperboard (October 14, 2025) T 448 om-21 Water vapor transmission rate of paper and paperboard at 23 degrees C and 50% RH (October 14, 2025) T 459 om-21 Surface strength of paper (wax pick test) (October 14, 2025) T 460 om-21 Air resistance of paper (Gurley method) (October 14, 2025) T 465 sp-21 Static creasing of paper for water vapor transmission tests (October 14, 2025) T 476 om-21 Abrasion loss of paper and paperboard (Taber-type method) (October 14, 2025) T 541 om-21 Internal bond strength of paperboard (z-direction tensile) (October 14, 2025) T 564 sp-21 Transparent chart for the estimation of defect size (October 14, 2025) T 566 om-21 Bending resistance (stiffness) of paper (Taber-type tester in 0 to 10 Taber stiffness unit configuration) (October 14, 2025) T 572 sp-21 Accelerated pollutant aging of printing and writing paper by pollution chamber exposure apparatus (October 14, 2025) T 573 sp-21 Accelerated temperature aging of printing and writing paper by dry oven exposure apparatus (October 14, 2025) T 577 om-21 Score bend test (October 14, 2025) T 650 om-21 Solids content of black liquor (October 14, 2025) T 844 om-21 Determining construction (nominal basis weight) of corrugated board (October 14, 2025) T 800 cm-16 Drum test for fiberboard shipping containers (revolving hexagonal drum) (October 19, 2025)
Any interested individuals who wish to be part of the voting for any Standard should send a message to and request voting membership on the corresponding SSIG, prior to the target ballot date, if possible. Anyone who joins the SSIG before the target balloting date will receive a notice of the ballot.
Volunteers for the following working groups of Useful Methods (UMs) are needed. All Working Groups of UMs require a minimum of 3 TAPPI members from 3 different companies in order to review a UM. The following UMs do not have an assigned Working Group Chair (WGC) to initiate the review:
UM 3 Determination of useful fiber in bagasse UM 23 Bulk density of wood chips UM 213 Repulpability of splices/splicing tape UM 221 Laboratory processing of pulp (plate refiner) UM 240 Shive content of mechanical pulp (laboratory flat screen) UM 242 Shive content of mechanical pulp (Somerville fractionator) UM 253 Laboratory processing of pulp (ball or pebble-mill method) UM 258 Laboratory processing of pulp (Kollergang method) UM 555 Testing of grease-repellant treated paper UM 823 Testing adhesives used in glued lap joints of corrugated fiberboard containers
Working Group Members Needed: UM 3 Determination of useful fiber in bagasse UM 23 Bulk density of wood chips UM 203 Freeness of pulp (Williams tester) UM 213 Repulpability of splices/splicing tape UM 221 Laboratory processing of pulp (plate refiner) UM 240 Shive content of mechanical pulp (laboratory flat screen) UM 242 Shive content of mechanical pulp (Somerville fractionator) UM 253 Laboratory processing of pulp (ball or pebble-mill method) UM 258 Laboratory processing of pulp (Kollergang method) UM 542 Amount of coating on mineral-coated paper UM 554 Polystyrene in paper products UM 555 Testing of grease-repellant treated paper UM 566 Wetting shipping sack paper for testing UM 590 Creasing (using steel rules) of paperboard for water vapor transmission (WVTR) testing UM 823 Testing adhesives used in glued lap joints of corrugated fiberboard containers
If you would like to join a Working Group of a UM, please write to for more information.
... that to participate in the balloting process for TAPPI Standards you must sign up for the Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIGs)? Drafts are available for anyone to review, but to vote you must be a member of the SSIG. Each Standard has its own SSIG – so you have to sign up for each Standard that you have an interest in. Links to all of the SSIGs (by subject category) can be found on the SSIG Join Page. When you click on a Subject Category, it will display links to related SSIGs.
For details on these commonly used acronyms in the development of TAPPI Standards and TIPs, please see the Standards Guidelines and the TIP Guidelines, or send your questions to
= |
Technical Information Paper |
= |
Quality and Standards Management Committee |
= |
Standard-Specific Interest Group |
= |
Standards Advisory Review Group |
WI |
= |
Work Item |
WG |
= |
Working Group |
= |
Working Group Chair |
om |
= |
Official Method |
pm |
= |
Provisional Method |
sp |
= |
Standard Practice |
cm |
= |
Classical Method |
ss |
= |
Standard Specification |
sg |
= |
Standard Guideline |
gl |
= |
Standard Glossary |
wd |
= |
Withdrawn Standard |
UM |
= |
Useful Method |
Details on how to search and order TAPPI Standards, TIPs, and Useful Methods can be found on the TAPPI website’s Search and Order page.
All individual TIPs or Standards are available for electronic or paper delivery. For electronic delivery, the documents are e-mailed in PDF format. Hard copy documents can be mailed or faxed, but shipping and handling costs will apply.
For Individual TIPs, order Item Number: 0108____ (Insert TIP number)
For Individual Standards, order Item Number: 0104T____ (Insert Standard number)
For individual Useful Methods, order item number: 0104UM_____ (Insert UM number)
List price: $53; TAPPI member price: $35. There are no shipping or handling charges for electronic documents.
The TAPPI CD of Standards, TIPs, and UMs has been discontinued since 2021. An Individual or Company License for access to the continually updated collection of Standards, TIPs, and UMs via the web is the best way to always have a current set of documents accessible. A print-on-demand version of either the Standards, TIPs, or UMs, current and updated as of the date printed, is also available.
For information and quotes on company licenses, contact TAPPI Press ( or +1-770-209-7277. For regular orders (including individual online licenses), contact Member Connection at 1-800-332-8686 (US), 1-800-446-9431 (Canada), or +1-770-446-1400 (international), or order online at
Individual Access or Company license
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