PSC eNews Weekly

Emergency Medical Dispatch Continuing Education

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Each month, EMD Illuminations instructors present timely, relevant topics tailored specifically to the CDE needs of agencies whose employees are certified – or simply interested -- in emergency medical dispatch.Your trial subscription entitles you to participate in the following three online courses:  

October – Strokes

Each year more than 14,000 people in the U.S. die from strokes. This course will examine different types of strokes (cerebrovascular accidents) and assist the EMD in identifying the warning signs and symptoms. Vital EMD questions and pre-arrival instructions will be discussed.   

November – Professional Caller-Control Techniques

Can you tell when a co-worker is having challenges on the phone because they keep getting louder and their sentences shorter? We look around at one another, but that is not the solution. This class will look at the positive caller control techniques including taking control of callers and de-escalating conflict through voice control as well as maintaining self-control to ensure verbal command of situations. Additional techniques will be reviewed dealing with hysterical callers and those callers who you have calmed and are now spiraling back out of control. 

December – Quality Assurance/Self-Assessment 

This course will illustrate the importance of EMD Quality Assurance (QA) reviews and the common aspects of the process. Employee self-assessment, as well as QA reviewer/evaluator feedback of EMD call-handling will be examined.

Enroll by September 25 to take advantage of this limited time offer. Contact Joanne Greco ( or Dorothy Cave ( more information or to register.  


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