NICE Systems
PSC eNews Weekly
Friday, June 10, 2016
The APCO Institute has announced a change in its recertification process for individuals who need to be recertified as Emergency Medical Dispatchers (EMDs) or EMD Instructors. Effective August 1, 2016, individuals seeking recertification as EMDs and EMD Instructors must successfully complete an online recertification quiz.

If you or your staff have successfully completed the online EMD recertification quiz prior to this announcement, you have met the EMD recertification quiz requirement that officially takes effect on August 1, 2016 for this recertification cycle.

For more information, visit your EMD/EMD Managers/EMD Instructors PSConnect groups.
A group of 9-1-1 organizations, including APCO International, has issued recommended minimum training guidelines for the nation’s 9-1-1 call takers and dispatchers. The guidelines provide for nationally recognized minimum training in ten broad topics. The group also developed model legislation for any state that does not currently have legislation concerning minimum training for telecommunicators, and, for those that do, to serve as a further guide as to the training topics that minimally should be covered. For more information.
Mike Voss has been a Local Advisor at APCO International for nearly a decade and has been involved in the public safety communications and information technology realm for over 30 years. He is currently the Technical Services Manager at Skagit 911 where he is responsible for 22 IP connected radios sites and eight computer networks that enable Skagit 911 to function as the Skagit County PSAP and dispatch center.
Naylor Association Solutions
Zetron, Inc.
Industry News
APCO International is seeking comments on a candidate American National Standard (ANS) that provides standardized information exchange between systems.
APCO International has issued a call for participation on a sub-committee responsible for the quality assurance of APCO standards development activities.
State Tech Why talk about the benefits of FirstNet when you can show people what it really feels like to fight fires with advanced technologies?
Essex County Regional Emergency Communications Center, Mass., has met the minimum training standards for the APCO's Agency Training Program Certification and has been awarded certification as of May 31, 2016.
FOX 31 Denver Aurora’s 9-1-1 dispatchers can now receive and respond to requests for help sent by text message. The service offers a new alternative for people who are in a situation when a voice call may increase their danger, have limited cell phone reception or are hearing-impaired. In a city of four million people, 40 so-called "superusers" accounted for 2,000 emergency responses in 2015 alone. Most of those superusers are individuals with other needs beyond those serviceable by emergency services.
IWCE’s Urgent Communications Now that FirstNet has received bids from teams willing to build and maintain a nationwide public safety broadband network, the organization must prepare to be "absolutely excellent" in its service to its first responder users, FirstNet Chairwoman Sue Swenson said.
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