PSC eNews Weekly
Friday, March 8, 2019

As mentioned in a recent eNews, there is progress in the U.S. House of Representatives for legislation that would reclassify public safety telecommunicators as Protective Service Occupations (as opposed to administrative/clerical occupations) in the Standard Occupational Classification. Yesterday Congresswoman Norma Torres (D-CA) and Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) introduced the 9-1-1 SAVES Act, a bill that would appropriately reclassify public safety telecommunicators with other "Protective" occupations. At a press conference celebrating the bill’s introduction, APCO Executive Director and CEO Derek Poarch joined other leaders offering their support. Poarch said, “The work performed by these professionals is nothing short of extraordinary. And it is 100% “protective”… Passage of the 9-1-1 SAVES Act will be a win for public safety, and APCO’s going to do everything it can to help make sure that happens.”

We need your help. TAKE ACTION NOW by clicking this link - - and filling out a form to generate an email to your U.S. Representative, asking them to co-sponsor this common sense, zero-cost bill to reclassify public safety telecommunicators as Protective Service Occupations. Please share this link over social media and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to take action too. 

APCO will provide updates as they become available and may request that you take further action as this bill moves through the legislative process and has a companion bill introduced in the Senate.

For more information on the SOC and reclassification effort, visit

APCO is pleased to offer attendees a new track at this year’s conference taking place August 11-14 in Baltimore, Maryland. We are adding a FirstNet track to the already diverse program. Leaders from the FirstNet Authority, the public safety community and industry will discuss how advancements in public safety broadband are transforming emergency communications and helping protect communities nationwide.
Highlights of the new track include:
  • A New Roadmap for the Future of Emergency Communications
  • FirstNet Town Hall
  • The Future of NG9-1-1 and FirstNet: 360 Degree Incident Insight
  • Public Safety Leaders on Their FirstNet Experiences
  • Securing Public Safety’s Vital Information
  • Managing Data in a Connected Public Safety World
  • The Future of FirstNet: Deployment, Devices and Developing Apps
Stay tuned to get a full look at the new FirstNet track. Coming very soon!

If you haven’t yet applied for an APCO scholarship, now’s the time to think about what professional development opportunities you’d like to participate in during the coming year. Scholarship funds are available to Full, Associate and Agency Group APCO Members and may be used for all APCO Institute courses. Up to $500 of a scholarship award may be applied to travel and/or living expenses to attend an APCO International educational event, including APCO's Annual Conference & Expo. The scholarship application deadline is midnight ET, March 31. For more information

Comtech Safety & Security Technologies
Hexagon Corporate Marketing
Industry News
WPSD Local 6
As one telecommunicator gave CPR instructions to the caller, another routed a deputy, who arrived within two minutes of being dispatched. The deputy took over CPR and revived the baby.
The Daily Journal        
Multitasking is a must for the 9-1-1 center that serves the county sheriff's office, seven police departments and 17 fire rescue squads in addition to emergency medical services teams.
After establishing that the man was having a heart attack, the telecommunicator dispatched EMTs and gave instructions for the emergency procedure for 18 minutes until they arrived.
Homeland Preparedness News
The upgrade near the Chesapeake Bay will provide coverage on land and water, according to the captain of Bowley’s Quarters Volunteer Fire Department.
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