PSC eNews Weekly
Friday, January 7, 2022

The APCO Scholarship Program is now open! All APCO members may apply and if selected, use the funds for professional development and career advancement including all APCO Institute courses and programs. CPE scholarships close on February 15 and all other scholarships close on March 31. Apply now.

Comtech Safety & Security Technologies
Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

The deadline to join the working group for the upcoming Multi-Functional, Multi-Discipline Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Minimum Functional Requirements standard has been extended to January 15. The revision and redesignation of this standard provides public safety agencies with tools to assist them in planning and preparing the Request for Proposal (RFP) accurately meeting the needs of their ECC. All interested persons should complete the online application.


Designed specifically for the public safety communications professional, this course addresses relevant issues on a wide range of man-made and natural disasters. Discussions will include the effects on the community and its infrastructure, response and recovery needs, information on overall emergency management and homeland security, and guidance on continuity of operations for the ECC.

Registration open for upcoming dates: February 2-22 | March 2-22 | April 6-26  
Learn more

Industry News
News Channel 7 WJHG
Bay County, Florida, telecommunicators try to calm those who phone in as possible suicide victims and may need help themselves after the traumatic situations.
The ornament colors represent different areas of law enforcement: blue is for police, red is for firefighters and EMS personnel, and silver is for K9s.
The watch quickly connects people in need of rescue with public safety telecommunicators and the ad plays back 9-1-1 tapes of three people whose lives were saved.
Eventide Inc
TC Communications
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