APCO Show Daily
Tuesday, August 6

Today begins with the Distinguished Achievers Breakfast featuring Robyn Benincasa, The Adventurer Who Inspires, who will talk about how we inspire people to not only survive times of change but to inspire change. Robyn Benincasa will be in the APCO Pavilion immediately following the Breakfast for a photo opp with attendees.

APCO's Block Party is headed to the largest SeaWorld Park in America! Transportation will be provided to and from all official conference hotels beginning at 6:30 p.m. You must wear your badge and ride the shuttle bus for entry - if you do not have your badge, you will not be allowed into the park.

Tyler Technologies
Zetron, Inc.
Updates & Reminders
  • Voting for the 2021-2022 Executive Committee closes today at 2:00 p.m. CT. Election results will be announced at the Second General Business Session taking place at 4:15 p.m. in the Lila Cockrell Theatre at the Convention Center.
  • Don’t forget to participate in the Expo Quest by dropping your card off at the APCO Pavilion.
  • Professional development sessions continue. See the full schedule online or in the app.
  • Check out a live demo of APCO's IntelliComm® throughout the day in the APCO Pavilion.
  • Join us for the 2nd VP Reception immediately following the General Business Session.
Assured Wireless Corp
Conference Coverage
The Opening General Session at APCO 2021 featured a summary of the state of public safety communications, awards for technical and operational public safety communications excellence, and a motivational talk by the commander of forces that captured Saddam Hussein and killed Osama Bin Laden.
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