The Tolerance Zone
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Event Agenda

Tues Oct 25
Committee Meetings throughout the day – all are welcome to attend!
2:30-5:00 pm Registration Opens
5:00-7:00 pm Welcome Reception with Exhibitors


Wed Oct 26
7:30-8:00 am Breakfast
8:00-8:30 am Opening Address
10:15-4:00 pm Concurrent Sessions


Thurs Oct 27
7:30-8:00 am Breakfast
8:00-8:30 am Opening Address
9:45-11:45 am Concurrent Sessions
12:30-1:30 pm Plenary and Closing Remarks


Confirmed Presentations to Date

  • The Canada Energy Regulator will present on Critical Infrastructure Resilience.
  • Hear updates about the Public Services and Procurement Canada Pathfinder project, the One Call federal legislative effort.
  • Info-Excavation is currently developing a new platform to manage municipal consents for infrastructure installations in the public right-of-way.
  • Fortis BC Safety Awards
  • More to come!

Book Your Hotel ASAP!
Rate: $229/night
Cancellation Policy: must cancel 14 days in advance.
Guests may call Global Reservations Centre at 1-800-441-1414 to make their reservations.
Callers should identify themselves as being part of the CCGA 2022 Damage Prevention Symposium, or group code 1022CCGA in order to receive the group rates.
Direct booking also available by clicking here:


Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorships are limited and are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Click Become a Sponsor to see which packages are still available.

Click the link below to find out more about shuttle services.
Enbridge Gas Inc.
Cablewave Utility Services
Cablewave Utility Services®
Cablewave Utility Services provides utility engineering and damage prevention services for the telecommunication, electrical and gas industry throughout Ontario. We are hiring OSP Designers, OSP Survey Technicians & Damage Prevention Technicians throughout Ontario! Let’s bridge the digital divide together!
Apply Today!
PGC Services
Vivax Canada
Industry News
Source:  Canadian Occupational Safety 
Construction sites are more complex and have more hazards than other workplaces.
Source:  Ontario Waterpower Association
“We estimate that there is between 4,000 and 5,000 MW of practical untapped waterpower potential in the province,”
Source:  tvo today
In 2022, the internet is not an optional expense or a luxury. It’s a key utility — and the government should start treating it that way.
Source:  tvo today
The Soo is revamping its power system with the latest energy tech. Will its new smart grid be too smart for its own good?
Source:  The Narwhal
The Ontario government wants the Ring of Fire to be a mining hub. But there are big questions about the environment, the cost and First Nations consent that need to be answered.
Source:  ConstructConnect
In this episode of the Construction Record Podcast, digital media editor Warren Frey speaks with Monte McNaughton, the minister of labour, immigration, training and skills development for the province of Ontario.
McNaughton spoke about the unprecedented support the Ontario Progressive Conservative party received from the province’s labour sector, as well as current and future plans for infrastructure and major projects.
A & J Vacworx Inc.
Cansel Survey Equipment
Source:  CBC News
A North Toronto city councillor wants the city to tackle one of the things that frustrates drivers most in this city — traffic jams caused by closed lanes where no construction work is actually happening.
Source:  tvo today 
OPINION: There’s a lot to like about the idea of extending the service life of the Pickering nuclear reactors — and adding a whole bunch more of them.
Source:  Ontario Construction News 
Photos are highly effective when recruiting new employees, especially in the current job market where so many companies are vying for top talent, both from inside and outside the construction industry.
Reef Industries, Inc.