The Tolerance Zone
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The ORCGA led discussions on Late Locates at thirteen chapter meetings across the province to give stakeholders an opportunity to voice concerns. Over 500 stakeholders participated and the ORCGA saw repeated themes emerging. All comments were captured, summarized, sorted by stakeholder group and ranked according to discussion frequency, as indicated here:

Insight Meets Innovation
Oakville Enterprises Corporation
OEC is driven to deliver value for our customers, providing turn-key services of utility engineering, asset management, utility locates, meter reading, GIS mobile and aerial mapping, utility construction and more. Visit our website at for additional information.
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Enbridge Gas Inc.
DTS Technical
Ontario One Call’s New Web Portal
Ontario One Call Limited®
Ontario One Call is re-creating our Web Portal to improve the process of submitting Locate Requests! 
The brand new EASY TO USE platform will be launching January 2022 and includes request options for different users, easy to submit design and planning requests for Excavators, and changes to the map functionality.
Be sure to check out the new platform and request your locates online.
PGC Services
Vivax Canada
Industry News
Source:  ORCGA
Late Locates are a serious problem.  To help generate solutions that would impact the future delivery of locates, a Late Locate Symposium was held in December 2019. Twenty-five industry leaders consisting of Excavators, Utilities, Municipalities, Locate Service Providers (LSPs), and representatives from Ontario One Call actively participated.
As a result, five initiatives were developed.
Source:  Ontario One Call
If you believe a locate response is unreasonably late, or if the work to begin date as listed on the request has passed, please do the following:
Source:  multiVIEW Locates Inc.
The key to delivering efficient, timely locates lies in a joint commitment among industry stakeholders.
Source:  ORCGA
Serious consideration should be given to delegating all investigation and enforcement of the One Call Act to an independent and unbiased agency, or, replacing Ontario One Call’s Compliance department with an independent body.
Source:  Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario
Contractors are frustrated by the lack of timely locate responses in Ontario. In many cases, locates are provided weeks after the deadline.
Source:  Ontario One Call
Requesting a relocate to try and resolve a late locate issue is not an effective method as it often results in notification issues. Follow the Late Locate Protocol found here:
Source: Ontario Sewer and Watermain Construction Association, Greater Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractors’ Association
For any construction projects that require excavation (e.g., sewer and watermain, roads, foundation, new housing developments, etc.) the most significant of these bottlenecks is the utility locate system.
A & J Vacworx Inc.
Cansel Survey Equipment
Source:  ORCGA
Construction contractors face long delays in waiting for utilities to provide complete and reliable
locate information. The delays are compounded by the fact that utility locates have a relatively short validity period, and once expired a request must be resubmitted.
Source:  Ontario One Call
Ontario One Call recommends each company responsible for an excavation has their name associated with the locates that are on site. If you plan to share your locates with a subcontractor, be sure to include the subcontractor on your request at the time of submission.
Source:  ORCGA
A comprehensive review of Ontario’s existing law compared to the United States finds it is a
significant limiting factor in establishing a complete damage prevention system in scope and
accountability. This article uses CCGA Best Practices to identify and advocate for comprehensive improvements to Ontario laws. The Ontario law is compared to other dig safe laws across North America and explains how system gaps contribute to late locates.
Technoconsor Inc
Vermeer MV Solutions