CRA eJournal

10 Questions: Is Your Business Ready?

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This quiz from EPIC insurance Brokers, CRA's service valued provider, will help you determine if your business is ready for a disaster. If you can’t answer "yes" to every question, you have work to do!
1. Could a natural or human-caused disaster cause an interruption in your normal business operations? 

2. Do you know which parts of your business must resume operations as soon as possible after a disaster? Have you made plans that will let you resume these vital operations quickly?

3. Do you have a plan and supplies needed to protect your employees and property during a disaster and to take care of yourselves until assistance arrives? 

4. Do you have a communications plan to notify/communicate with employees if a disaster occurs outside work hours? 

5. Have you evaluated your building’s ability to withstand a natural disaster? If yes, have you taken measures to mitigate risks?

6. Do you have vital files and systems backed up and accessible from off site? 

7. Could you continue operations even if you can’t use or access your place of business? 

8. Could you continue operations if a location your business depends on (such as a supplier, key customer or access road) is inaccessible, or if your basic services (water, electricity, etc.) are off? 

9. Have you worked with public safety agencies, local businesses and community leaders to plan for recovery if a large-scale disaster affects your community?
10. Have you consulted talked with an insurance broker to determine if you have the insurance you need to help your business continue operations and recuperate after a disaster? 

If you answered "no" to any of these questions, please contact the CRA ProRental™ Insurance Program professionals of EPIC/Jenkins Insurance brokers for assistance at (800) 234-6363, or email us at

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